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10th International Festival „The Oldest Songs of Europe”

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10th International Festival „The Oldest Songs of Europe”

Artists from Iceland, the Palestinian Authority, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Russia, the Republic of Adygea, Serbia, Ukraine and Poland will peform at this year's festival. The theme of the 10th edition of the this important event are epic songs.
The festival will open with an exhibiton of Magdalena Dudek's batik's „The lives of the saints”. Screenings of ethnographic films will be presented during the nexts days of the festival and each day will finish with Dance Nights. CONCERTS, EXHIBITION – Studio of Radio Lublin, 2 Obrońców Pokoju Street MEETINGS, FILMS – Centre for Intercultural Creative Initiatives “Crossroads”, Lublin, 39 Krakowskie Przemieście Street DANCE NIGHTS – Centrala Club, 3 Dolna Marii Panny Street The idea of the festival is to present the oldest songs that have survived in Europe. We invite artists from the village, often from distants parts of Europe and artists from the city who reconstruct and perform old, usually archaic songs. In connection with the jubilee edition of the festival, there will be free admission to all concerts and other events. Lublin, 26 - 28 November 2009 Link to festival's website:

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