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21st Theatre Confrontations Festival

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21st Theatre Confrontations Festival

Theatre Confrontations Festival has been organized by the Centre for Culture in Lublin for over twenty years.

 The 21st Theatre Confrontations Festival will show productions by outstanding international artists including the Catalonian theatre company Señor Serrano, winner of the Silver Lion Award at the Venice Biennial in 2015, and the well-known to Lublin’s public British-German collective Gob Squad. The programme also includes Polish premieres of new productions by Toshiko Okada, Ivo Dimchev and Penny Arcade. 
The main focus of the 2016 Festival is put on productions by young Polish artists who investigate the institution of theatre, posing questions about the role and responsibility of the artist. The pubic will see productions by, among others, Anna Smolar, Weronika Szczawińska, Agnieszka Jakimiak, Anna Karasińska, Magda Szpecht, Agata Siniarska, Wiktor Rubin, Joli Janiczak and Janek Turkowski. The Festival will end with the Lithuanian National Theatre’s ”Heroes’ Square” produced by Krystian Lupa. The show will be Krystian Lupa’s first production staged in Lublin. 

The 21st Theatre Confrontations Festival will be held in Lublin from 6 October to 15 October 2016. Tickets can be purchased at the Centre for Culture’s box office and at 

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