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BZ WBK Press Foto 2009 - exhibition

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BZ WBK Press Foto 2009 - exhibition

The exhibition of photos by laureates of BZ WBK Press Foto 2009 contest will open on February 25 at Rybna Gallery. The presented works include the report by Karol Zienkiewicz from "Dziennik Wschodni," the winner of "Sport" category.
The exhibition will be open till March 9. Karol Zienkiewisz with his photo report on Le Parkour practiced at Staszica Street is not the only representative of Lublin. Also Wojciech Jargiło was granted a prize (Nature and Environment). BZ WBK Press Foto 2009 is the 5th edition of the best press photography national contest. This year the jury had to choose the best photographs from over 6.000 works by over 325 authors. There were six categories: society, portrait, events, civilization, sport, nature and environment. Jury: Wolfgang Rattay - ThomsonReuters (the head of the Jury), Wojciech Rzążewski - Fakt, Anna Brzezińska - Polska Agencja Prasowa, Sławomir Kamiński - Gazeta Wyborcza and Waldemar Kompała - Rzeczpospolita. The complete list of winners and the gallery of works can be found on The exhibition will be open till March 9, Tues-Sun from 3.00 to 7.00pm

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