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Festiwal Filmu Queer "a million different loves!?"

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Festiwal Filmu Queer "a million different loves!?"

The Queer Film Festival “a million different loves!?” is the first cultural event in Lublin to deal with the issues of gender equality, rights of LGBTs, and discrimination on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation. These are the most urgent problems concerning human rights in our country. The festival takes place between 9th and 12th December in Przestrzeń Działań Artystycznych Tektura (the Space of Artistic Activity Tektura) and it starts every day at 5:00 pm.
The first edition of the festival encompasses movies and meetings with the guests such as Kazimiera Szczuka, Krzysztof Tomasik and Tomasz Kitliński. Lublin Festival is part of bigger, national event that will take place in various Polish cities from October 2008 to February 2009. The Festival is organized by Fundacja Inicjatyw Kulturalnych Plaster (Foundation of Cultural Initiatives Plaster) and Nieformalna Grupa “a million different loves!?” (Informal Group “a million different loves!?”) The Lublin edition is organized by Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber. The Queer Film Festival is part of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Festival is financed under Akademia Obywatelska IV (Civic Academy 4) project by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy - Fund for Non-governmental Initiatives. Admission is free.

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