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Flash Mob of University Choirs at Łokietek Square

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Flash Mob of University Choirs at Łokietek Square

Five university choirs will showcase their vocal skills at Łokietek Square (in front of the City Hall) on Thursday, October 6, at 11:30 am. The performance celebrating the beginning of the academic year 2016/2017 will last 10-15 minutes.

The choirs will jointly perform a cappella the song ”Gaudeamus igitur” to show to the residents of Lublin the potential of students who make up a great part of the city’s community. Students make Lublin more vivid by their youth and cultural activity.  

The project is the result of collaboration between the Lublin City Office and the academic choirs from five state universities: MCSU’s Academic Choir, the Academic Choir of the University of Life Sciences, the Academic Choir of the Medical University, the Choir of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and the Academic Choir of the Lublin University of Technology.  

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