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Great exhibition of artists in Lublin

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Great exhibition of artists in Lublin

The “Ars Loci – Obraz aktualny” - an exhibition of over than 40 artists in Lublin you can seen in the grat hall in The Workshop of Culture. Beautifully arranged exhibition "Ars loci - the current picture" shows an overview of what in Lublin is the most interesting in contemporary art. Here you can see the work of both the elder and the younger generation of artists, from paintings by drawing, graphics, sculpture, installations and video.
Opening of yhe exhibition took place during the prelude to the Night of Culture 2012. This is the first of the two views of the exhibition "Ars loci." It shows the current picture of local art. The second, released in Lubelskie Towarzystwo Zachęty Sztuk Pięknych (Lublin Society for the Encouragement of Fine Arts) from 15 June 2012, will be composed of works from the collections of contemporary art in Lublin. The creators of the exhibition are trying to answer the question of what connects Lublin artists? Is the place where form, locality affects their work? Is there a "common denominator" for Lublin art? To be convinced of this need to visit Workshops Culture. The exhibition will run to August 12, it can be seen daily, except Mondays from 12:00 - 18:00. Culture Workshops are located at. Popiełuszki 5.

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