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Jewish Motifs Film Festival

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Jewish Motifs Film Festival

The festival is taking place from the 9 th till 11th of November 2009. The Lublin edition is a replica of the festival which is organized every year in Warsaw.
The festiwal has been initiated by the Jewish Motifs Association a few years ago and every year it attracts numerous audiencje interested in Jewish subject and good and often egzotic cinematography. Directors from all of the world are sending their movies, for example from: Western Europe, Latvia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Hungary, Armenia, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Argenitna, Australia, Mexico, Canada, and of course from Poland and Israel. According to the organizers the idea of the festival is finding ways of communicating with all religious, national and cultural communities in order to better know each other and better understand their diverse motives. We want to emphasize that which we all have in common. The Lublin edition of the festival is organized by Homo Faber Association. This is the second edition of the festival in our city. We are presenting a wide range of movies, from short animations, feature movies to documentary movies raising the subject of the Palestinian-Israeli relationship (Jerusalem. The East Side Story, My father’s Palestinian slave), the difficult history of Jews in the Polish People's Republic (Happy Jews, Dluzek Stop) or a bit less serious showing an Israeli rock scene or contemporary Odessa. The documentary movie Commandant Edelman which presents life and activities of the recently deceased Marek Edelman merits of the special attention. The edition of the festival is also directed at English speaking people living in Lublin. Some of the movies have Polish and English subtitles. All screenings at Homo Faber Association, 39 Krakowskie Przedmieście The admission is free. Program

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