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More Than Cinema

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More Than Cinema

Today the Centre for Culture in Lublin invites you to the second edition of the series "At the New Cinema" ("W Nowym Kinie"). The series is a unique combination of improvised theatre and independent cinema. At its climax, the film is stopped and the plot is given into the hands of actors from the impro theatre company "Poławiacze Pereł. "

On Monday evening the Central Playground Cinema will show Gus van Sant’s film ”Paranoid Park.” The film is an adaptation of the same title novel by Blake Nelson. The director conveys Nelson’s narration in a perfect manner by splitting images and particular elements of the plot. Gradually revealed, these elements make the audience an active participant of the events portrayed in the film. 

13 August, 9 pm: At the New Cinema – Czwartek Trzynastego / Thursday the Thirteenth
Free admission

Thursday the Thirteenth is an improvised film-inspired theatre performance. The Kinoteatr Project and ”Poławiacze Pereł” Improv Theatre from Lublin joined their forces to present an innovative method of combining theatre with cinema to the public in Lublin. 

17 August, 9:30 pm: Central Playground Cinema: Paranoid Park
Free admission 

drama / France, USA / 2007 / 90 mins
dir: Gus Van Sant; starring: Gabe Nevins, Daniel Liu, Taylor Momsen
Teenage Alex is a huge enthusiast of skateboarding. While his parents are getting divorced, he is struggling with typical problems of teenagers. It seems that life cannot be more complicated. One day, however, he gets accidentally entangled in a murder...

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