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Street Battle vol.1

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Street Battle vol.1

Poland's biggest break-dance competition will take place in Lublin this Saturday, 3rd of January. The main prize for the winner is 5000 złoty. The judges are: Kruk (WHSB), Cetowy (Polskee Flavour/Zulu Kingz), Rudy (Broken Glass 2).
Before the actual contest there will be workshops conducted by Cetowy. After the battle audience will have opportunity to watch the performance by well known polish hip-hop band „Zip skład”.Lublin's crews such as DEFAKTO, DWS i BRW will support the main act. The event is organized by Street Agencja Rozrywkowa. The admission fee is 35 zł. Venue: Hala Globus, Lublin, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 8

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