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The 12th International Organ Festival surprises its audience

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The 12th International Organ Festival surprises its audience

The founder of the KUL Fine Arts Scene, Leszek Mądzik and the director of the Organ Festival in the Czuby district, Robert Grudzień, have recently started their cooperation, one of the results being an idea to produce a play under the working title “Pieśń o Bogu ukrytym”(Song of the Hidden God). Another surprise of the 12th International Organ Festival in the Czuby district was the staging of "Bruzda" (Furrow) by the KUL Fine Arts Scene.
Having completed the talks, Leszek Mądzik and Robert Grudzień went to Kazimierz Dolny to meet Tomasz Lewniewski who, apart from being a local church priest, is also a patron of arts. The time turned out to be inspiring for both gentlemen who worked out a project for the year 2009. There are magnificent organs in Kazimierz Dolny and they seem to be the greatest asset of the place. The carved larch cover dates back to 1620 and is a great example of woodcarving masterpiece inspired by the Flemish art. The instrument itself was probably made by Szymon Liliusz, the local organ builder and today it is regarded Poland’s oldest completely preserved instrument of this kind. The new play will premiere in Kazimierz Dolny parish church and in the Holy Family Church in Lublin but it is also planned to be shown in many other Polish cities. The working title of the spectacle is “Pieśń o Bogu ukrytym” (Song of the Hidden God), and the prevalence of organ music is aimed at evoking deep emotions in the viewers. Conversations held in the celebrated living room of the Holy Family Church presbytery resulted in the decision to stage “Bruzda” (Furrow) on September 3rd in the church’s walls. This festival will accompany the celebration of Leszek Mądzik’s 40th anniversary of artistic work. The 13th Organ Festival Lublin-Czuby opens June 25th.

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