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The launch of the first Polish Wild Children Reserve

Coronavirus - Practical information

The launch of the first Polish Wild Children Reserve

On 6 August the Centre for Culture in Lublin opens the first Polish Wild Children Reserve - a space of free and unrestricted play. This are is dedicated to the protection of children's play environment. The idea of the Reserve is based on the definition of play as free actions of children. The Reserve is established by adults, but these are children who shape it - in accordance with the principles of Paedocracy .

Children themselves decide what and how they play in the Reserve. Located in Dolna Marii Panny Street, the Reserve will also serve as a site of workshops and a mud kitchen that was operating throughout July at the Centre for Culture in Lublin.

Trained play workers will make every effort to keep the game safe, with minimal interference from the adults. The premises of the Reserve are subject to the Honour Code - the players are obliged to adhere to the rules. Admission to the Reserve is free, but the Parents or Guardians must fill in the Child Registration Card. The number of places in the Reserve is limited. Children who want to use the Reserve may do so with the consent of their parents, confirmed in writing in the Child Registration Card.

How to get to  Wild Children Reserve
Download Registration Form  
See Honour Code of Paedocracy


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