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The Neighbors' Fifth Time in Lublin

Coronavirus - Practical information

The Neighbors' Fifth Time in Lublin

The fifth “The Neighbours” Festival starts on June 14. The main theme of this year’s festival is William Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Theatre – very democratic and open to all audiences.
The audience will have a chance to see new readings of Shakespeare’s works and performances inspired by his dramas. They will be presented both in theaters (Scena Prapremier InVitro - Już się ciebie nie boję, Otello! (I Fear You No More, Otello!), Stowarzyszenie Pełna Kultura - Dwie historie miłosne (Two Love Sotries), Teatr Lalek z Grodna – Midsummer Night’s Dream, Teatr Lalek Banialuka - Król umiera (King Dies), Malabar Hotel – Skrawki (Scraps)) as well as in the circus tent (Teatr Korez - 2, Kolega Mela Gibsona (Mel Gibson’s Friend), Teatr Continuo - Finis Terrae, Teatr Anpu – Romeo and Juliet). On June 16 and 17, Michał Mrożek and Piotr Chlipalski will invite the participants and passers-by to take part in the unique project – a combination of happening and documentary photography – Street Atelier. The event is oragnized by the Center for Culture in Lublin and Cultural Education Society. more about the festival tel. 81 53 603 18 e-mail: program

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