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Weekend concerts

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Weekend concerts

This weekend in Lublin will be full of interesting musical events: International Festival of New Folk Music "HelloFolks", "Męskie granie" which is a strong representation of Polish rock/alternative and the "Space - Future beats" project at Concert Shell in the Saski Garden
HelloFolks 2011 is the next edition of the festival closely associated with the broadcast of the same name that appears every Thursday on-air Academic Radio Centrum. The program presents so called new folk music - mix of folk, rock and modern sounds. Męskie granie - artists: Voo Voo, T. Love, Lech Janerka, Pink Freud, Fisz and Emade, Tense (Lao Che), Abradab, Olaf Deriglasoff, Mucha. This is the second edition of the tour, which aims to show the male perspective on music and art. Artistic director of the project is Wojciech Waglewski. Kosmos - future beats in Lublin is the first meeting with future music beats, the genre that comes from the mix of hip-hop and electronic music.

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