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Zapałka Andersena (Andersen’s Match Award) 2009 for "Zoom"

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Zapałka Andersena (Andersen’s Match Award) 2009 for "Zoom"

ZOOM, Lublin’s Cultural Guide is one of the laureates of Zapałka Andersena 2009 Award. Zapałka Andersena is a “token of gratitude for the support given to the theatre, for kindness and everyday help in introducing the youngest viewers into the world of imagination and art – the theatre’s mission.” The rules are not strict and there are no special criteria or jury deciding on who, when and for what can be awarded with Zapałka. ZOOM’s received the award for informing people about cultural events – against life’s adversities, for professionalism in both preparing information and the publication itself, for well written texts and reviews, which are sometimes even better than the performances or concerts they comment on. The ceremony takes place in Music Theater, on Friday - March 27, at 6.00 pm. contact: Michał Miłosz Zieliński e-mail: tel.: 605 947 822

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