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Kamil Stańczak - "Peryferie" (Periphery)

Kamil Stańczak - "Peryferie" (Periphery)
Start date 2009-04-03
Start time 18:00
Location Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12

Kamil Stańczak – (1980) a graduate and employee of the Faculty of Arts of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, he goes in for painting, graphic arts, creates intricate structures, moveable devices. Since January 2009 he has been designing ZOOM covers. At the exhibition he will present objects resembling dioramas, miniature fragments of a small town world, pieces of the old architecture that can be seen on the outskirts of cities.
until 30.04 (Thu)

Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12

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