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Andersen Music Stage: Pogodno

Andersen Music Stage: Pogodno
Start date 2010-04-09
Start time 20:00
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1
Kategoria Koncert

The band was created in 1996 in Szczecin and the name refers to the most beautiful district in the city. It belongs to Polish alternative music, and is inspired by tango, swing and punk. On April 1 the group released their new album, but during the concert they will also perform some older songs.

Pogodno: Jacek Budyń Szymkiewicz - guitar and vocal, Marcin Dzidzia Zabrocki - keyboards, saxophone, vocal, Paweł Osicki - drums, vocal, Damian Pielka - bass and vocal.

Andersen Music Stage (H.Ch. Andersen Theater), ul. Dominikańska 1, Lublin
tel. (081) 532 16 28, 532 32 25
tickets: 20 zł (The box office is open Mon-Fri from 9 - 3, and 2 hours before the concert)

more information:,

Joanna Wojciechowska – H.Ch. Andersen Theater
tel. 695 561 030,
Rafał Chwała – Andersen Music Stage
tel. 600 422 113,

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