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"Zabawki Pana Boga"

"Zabawki Pana Boga"
Start date 2011-02-12
Start time 19:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A

Written and directed by: Jerzy Satanowski; music: Jacek Kita; with: Joanna Trzepiecińska; Przemysław Sadowski; the band: Trzy Dni Później

She is a poet, he is a writer. They are present in their thoughts and letters. And there is the composer, the Great Absentee. The poet is Agnieszka Osiecka, the writer, Marek Hłasko. The third one, Krzysztof Komeda, is brought back in memories, he fills them with his genius. Osiecka and Hłasko corresponded for many years. The performance is a poetic narration about the state of mind of their whole generation. A generation of Poles, who new how unique they were, but who didn’t even think how important they would become.
Workshops of Culture, ul. Popiełuszki 5

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