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Concert of Harmonijkowy Atak

Concert of Harmonijkowy Atak
Start date 2012-04-25
Start time 19:00
Location .
Kategoria Koncert

Harmonijkowy Atak is a supergroup started by four harmonica virtuosos - Tomek Kamiński, Michał Kielak, Bartosz Łęczycki and Łukasz Wiśniewski. They are supported by two guitars (Jacek Jaguś i Piotr Grząślewicz), bass (Aleksander Sroka) and percussion (Adam Partyka). The musicians met already seven years ago, however the Polish audiences rediscovered the power of harmonica after the release of the Harpcore album. The artists are renowned musicians and the members of such bands as Hardworkers, Sean McMahon, Kasa Chorych, Blue Machine and Hard Times. Harmonijkowy Atak is an unusual and original project consisting in four harmonica virtuosos performing together and a blues base created by guitars, vocals and the rhythm section.
The concert is a part of the Lublin artists’ presentation and Lublin is represented by Bartek Łęczycki, an associate of Maleńczuk, Waglewski and others.
Tickets: I - 40 zł, II - 30 zł, III - 20 zł

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