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Danuta Krupska-Sołowiej’s exhibition “Pocztówki”

Danuta Krupska-Sołowiej’s exhibition “Pocztówki”
Start date 2012-04-27
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2012-05-18
Location Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12
Kategoria Installation

Danuta Krupska-Sołowiej’s exhibition “Pocztówki”
Biała Gallery presents ‘Pocztówki’ (Postcards) - exhibition by Danuta Krupska-Sołowiej.
Danuta Krupska-Sołowiej’s art presents a very unique world, a subtle, poetic narration in painting focusing on selected, parallel and different performances. The artist mixes the realities evoked from her own memories and observations. Her paintings are only seemingly chaotic, as they aim at a conclusion that we create our own reality on the basis of selected facts, pieces of memories and fragments of situations. The visual aspect of the paintings evades definite interpretations; it is multilayered and challenges our perception habits.
Danuta Krupska- Sołowiej (born in 1965), graduated from PWSSP in Poznań in 1991 (painting studio, supervisor: Professor Jerzy Kałucki). She has already had numerous individual exhibitions, among others in ON Gallery in Poznań (1991), Biała Gallery in Lublin (1991, 1995), BWA Gallery in Gniezno (1993), Arsenal City Art Gallery in Poznań (1995), and Lufcik DAP Gallery in Warsaw (2005). She also presented her works during collective exhibitions, for instance Trochę słońca, troszeczkę księżyca (A Bit of the Sun, a Bit of the Moon) at ON Gallery in Poznań (1990), Młode malarstwo Poznania (Young Poznań Paintings) at Arsenal City Art Gallery in Poznań (1995), Krajowej wystawie malarstwa młodych Konkurs im. E. Gepperta (Exhibition of works by young painters, E. Geppert Contest) in Wrocław (1997), Nona at Jesuit Gallery in Poznań (2001), and Think Art Gallery w Poznaniu (2010).
The artist lives and creates in Poznań.
The exhibition is open Monday through Saturday, from 11.00 till 5.00pm.

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