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Hanoch Levin - The Labour of Life (Teatr Narodowy in Warsaw)

Hanoch Levin - The Labour of Life (Teatr Narodowy in Warsaw)
Start date 2013-02-09
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17
Kategoria Street parade

Directed by: Jan Englert
Stage design: Barbara Hanicka
Music: Stanisław Radwan
Lights: Wojciech Puś
Artistic animation: Michał Jankowski

Cast: Janusz Gajos, Anna Seniuk, Włodzimierz Press (guest performance)

Hanoch Levin, a rebellious provocateur from Israel, who passed away in 1999, is now considered one of the most interesting contemporary dramatists. His performance may be interpreted as a story of a married couple, who are bored by each-other, or as a hymn to a marriage. It tackles problems like searching for happiness, dealing with mundane every-day reality, a fear of being abandoned and forgotten. Levin with his witty style of writing can turn even melancholy into irony or grotesque.

The Juliusz Osterwa Theatre, ul. Narutowicza 17

Tickets: 80, 100 120 zł.

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