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"Zwierzątka, małe zwierzenia" (Petit Pets, Petty Secrets): Performance

"Zwierzątka, małe zwierzenia" (Petit Pets, Petty Secrets): Performance
Start date 2013-04-19
Start time 18:00

Teatr Centralny, neTTheatre and the Artists Association "Near East" present a play written and directed by Paweł Passini and inspired by Siergiej Kozlov's fairy tales.

Written for stage and directed by Paweł Passini
Lights: Marcin "Kabat" Kowalczuk
Music: Paweł Passini, Marcin "Kabat" Kowalczuk
Projections: Maria Porzyc
Costumes: El Bruzda

Dariusz Jeż as Bear,
Marcin "Kabat" Kowalczuk as Mouse/Elephant,
Joanna Lewicka as Owl,
Agata Meilute as Lynx,
Sean Palmer as Hare,
Paweł Passini as Badger,
Maria Porzyc as Female Bear ,
Elżbieta Rojek asHedgeog,
Katarzyna Tadeusz as Squirrel,
Maciej Wyczański as Dog

Siergiej Kozłow was one of the most renowned and valued Fairy tale writers in Russia and countries of the former USSR. He made the inhabitants of the forest - Hedgehog, Bear, Owl, Squirrel, Hare, Wolf and others – the characters of his short stories. The animals have all kinds of adventures, some of which are truly incredible and some - very usual. They try to make their, sometimes completely crazy, dreams come true. They battle their weaknesses, fight loneliness and despite their differences, they always try to communicate somehow. They constantly travel both in real life and in the world of imagination. They never lose hope or curiosity and their adventures, as all fairy tales, end well.

Tickets: 12/20 PLN.
Tickets can be purchased in the ticket office of The Centre for Culture in Lublin and at the venue one hour before the performance.
Advanced booking: tel.: 081 53 603 21.

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