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Paweł Nowak "Transfusion"

Paweł Nowak "Transfusion"
Start date 2013-02-15
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2013-03-08
Location Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12

Paweł Nowak was born in in 1965. He graduated from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, where he now works. His current interest is human body. The most important work presented in the gallery is an installation built from glass casts of human hearts, placed on the level of the eyes of the visitors. The exhibition is a metaphysical reflection the fragility of human condition, the temporariness of our existence.

15.02 (Fri), 6 pm - Paweł Nowak - Transfusion - exhibition opening
The Biała Gallery, ul. Narutowicza 32

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