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"Na końcu łańcucha" (At the End of the Chain) - performance

"Na końcu łańcucha" (At the End of the Chain) - performance
Start date 2013-04-13
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

“Na końcu łańcucha” is a project of a hardcore concert; it’s a multicompilation, a ferocious play on Shakespeare, Müller, Schwab and Koltѐs; it’s a collection of cover versions of cover versions. Immersed in pop culture, savagely entertaining, politically incorrect, it is a tale of human lousiness.
“Na końcu łańcucha” is a play about Titus Andronicus, about a specific type of a man.
The play is written by Mateusz Pakuła.
The performance had its premiere on 17 March 2012.
PG 16.
Running time: 150 min.

Tickets: 17-37 PLN

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