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"Such a Nice Son I Gave Birth To", "Come what May", "Till it Hurts"

"Such a Nice Son I Gave Birth To", "Come what May", "Till it Hurts"
Start date 2013-05-13
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

Such a Nice Son I Gave Birth To
Produced as a film school exercise Marcin Koszałka’s debut caused a scandal and opened up discussion on trespassing one’s privacy or even exhibitionism in documentary cinema. It seems that showing the members of his own family tormenting each other, with himself and his mother as the main protagonists of the film, he crossed the line and broke some taboo that is difficult to talk about especially in Polish society. His mother expresses her concern about the son by constant scolding and endless guilt trips.

Come What May
Continuation of the autobiographical theme of Koszałka’s films and his debut movie “Such a Nice Son I gave Birth To”. Five years have passed and the author analyses the everyday life of his new family, his wife and daughter. Setting oneself free of the patters of behaviour we had learned at home is a task not easy to achieve. However, the presence of a camera once again plays a therapeutic role and makes it easier for the protagonists to start real communication.

Till it Hurts
Soot as part of the series “The Decalogue after the Decalogue” this film refers to the 4th commandment and it is a variation on Koszałka’s favourite subject. This time as his protagonist he chose a fifty-three-year-old psychiatrist entangled in a toxic relationship with his mother. His attempt to settle down with a woman is not approved by the mother convinced that she is the only person who knows what’s best for her son. In this moving picture Koszałka shows how complicated living such a family nightmare can be.

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