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“Wolf at the Gates”(,,Wilk u bram")– theatre play

“Wolf at the Gates”(,,Wilk u bram")– theatre play
Start date 2013-04-05
Start time 08:00
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1

The Wolf, which appears in various forms in successive scenes of the play; is a symbol of evil and aggression in us, lying dormant and which we have been trying to eradicate for ages. Tame it with culture. Cover it. But the Wolf always comes back and devours the girl as it devours the Little Red Riding Hood - it swallows her whole or ruthlessly sinks its fangs into the victim’s neck, not unlike the characters of the ‘Twilight’ series. It is so because, as the play shows, evil and our ‘animal instincts’ haven not been eradicated; what is more, they have become an integral element of our culture in its every form: in opera and Hollywood films as well as in classic tales and a contemporary vampire saga.

Tickets: 15 PLN / 20 PLN available at the. Teatr Andersena ticket office
Ticket office is open Mon-Fri, 9.00am - 4.00pm, and 2 hours before the performance.
Tel.: 81-532 32 25.

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