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“The Goloshes of Fortune”(,,Kalosze szczęścia") – theatre play

“The Goloshes of Fortune”(,,Kalosze szczęścia") – theatre play
Start date 2013-05-22
Start time 09:30
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1

‘The Goloshes of Fortune’ is a beautiful fairy tale about the essence of happiness by H.C.Andersen. The goloshes have a magic property; anyone who puts them on can appear at any place and time they desire. Every wish as to the place and time will be granted immediately. Once in their lifetime they can be really happy. This fairy-tale adaptation of ‘The Goloshes of Fortune’ allows us to travel in time and space, get to know human desires and answer the question: can fulfilling our dreams really give us happiness?

Performance for young viewers, PG-7

Tickets: 15 PLN / 20 PLN available at the. Teatr Andersena ticket office
Ticket office is open Mon-Fri, 9.00am - 4.00pm, and 2 hours before the performance. Tel.: 81-532 32 25.

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