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Anton Chekhov, “Platonov”: performance

Anton Chekhov, “Platonov”: performance
Start date 2013-05-05
Start time 18:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

Juliusz Osterwa Theatre would like to invite to “Platonov"

Adam Tarn called “Platonov” ‘the source and the key to understand Chekhov’s dramas’. The characters live in a world where newspaper clichés blend with quotes from the Bible, poetry verses with buzzwords from operettas and one can hear the truth rather from a horse thief than a member of local elite. This shapeless world disturbingly begins to look like our reality and Platonov, irritating but also charming show-off, turns out to be ‘the hero of our times.’


Anna Wojnicew- Marta Ledwoń
Sergiusz- Paweł Kos
Sofia- Lidia Olszak
Głagoliew- Roman Kruczkowski
Szczerbuk- Jerzy Kurczuk
Pietrin- Piotr Wysocki
Kirił Głagoliew- Przemysław Gąsiorowicz
Maria Grekow- Marta Sroka
Trylecki- Jerzy Rogalski
Nikołaj- Daniel Dobosz
Wengierewicz - Ojciec- Artur Kocięcki
Wengierewicz - Syn- Daniel Salman
Bugarow- Tomasz Bielawiec
Michał Płatonow- Krzysztof Olchawa
Aleksandra (Sasza)- Magdalena Sztejman-Lipowska
Osip- Wojciech Rusin

Agnieszka Korytkowska Mazur -director
Jacek Malinowski – stage designer
Magdalena Dąbrowska- costumes
Michał Jacaszek -music
Maciej Zakliczyński- choreography
Dana Łukasińska- dramaturge
Marek Oleniacz- light director

Tickets can be booked at:
81 532 44 36
81 532 42 46

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