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Komedia Teatralna (A Theatre Comedy) -performance

Komedia Teatralna (A Theatre Comedy) -performance
Start date 2013-05-12
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

Juliusz Osterwa Theatre presents a play: Komedia Teatralna (A Theatre Comedy)

As Oskar, the stage manager and a treasury of theatre quotations from Chekhov to Brecht, says, in theatre the most interesting things happen backstage. Grzegorz Kempinsky, the director whose staging of Woody Allen’s God has been extremely popular with the Lublin audience, on this occasion introduces us to a backstage life of a second-rate theatre during the half-heroic, half-farcical preparations for another opening night and, subsequently, to witness their unexpected success.

Aliances, affairs, antagonism, demons of vanity and hackwork - all this and even more is served to the viewer by Ahlfors in the spotlight. He ridicules this collection of curious characters but he does it with a little affection.

Matilda- theatre manager and stage director - Jolanta Rychłowska
Oscar the stage manager - Jerzy Rogalski
Per- Wojciech Dobrowolski
Harry- Wojciech Rusin
Lotta- Lidia Olszak
Linda- Grażyna Jakubecka
Bengt- playwright Krzysztof Olchawa
Mrs Jansson- Hanna Pateralso Marta Sroka, Anna Torończyk, Tomasz Bielawiec, Andrzej Golejewski, Paweł Kos, Jerzy Kurczuk

Grzegorz Kempisky- direction and stage design
Barbara Wołosiuk- costumes
Maria Machowska- lightning direction

81 532 44 36,
81 532 42 46

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