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Exhibition: "Coś się kończy, bo coś się zaczyna"(Something Ends because Something Begins)

Exhibition: "Coś się kończy, bo coś się zaczyna"(Something Ends because Something Begins)
Start date 2013-05-24
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2013-06-28
Location Galeria Biała, ul. Peowiaków 12

Biała Gallery presents an exhibition entitled "Coś się kończy, bo coś się zaczyna" (English: “Something Ends because Something Begins”).

It is the last exhibition before the return of the gallery to the newly renovated building in 12, Peowiaków Street in Lublin.

The exhibition is a symbolic parting with the place where Biała Gallery has been functioning since 2009. During that period it was the venue of several dozen exhibitions by various artists local, national and international and the Courtyard of Arts allowed the gallery to step outside the building.

Anna Nawrot and Jan Gryka, the authors of the exhibition, are supported by members of the gallery’s team, Piotr Wysocki and Piotr Pękala

Since mid 1980s Anna Nawrot and Jan Gryka have prepared their exhibitions in white. She used to write texts on white sheets and he employed flour to create intricate installations. After almost 30 years their joint exhibition is an explosion of hundreds of multicoloured artificial flowers, ornamental ties, and thousands crocheted squares as pulsating images.

Viewers will find a moment’s peace in a quiet corner prepared especially for them, where they can see a contemplative film about the Courtyard of Arts adjacent to the gallery.

Accumulation of many ideas as well as the way Biała gallery works makes it a suitable place of meetings and a great form of spending time, immersed in art and history of the gallery.
That’s why its design resembles a club or a reading room.

Periodical changes in the gallery such as painting walls, doing installations, hosting exhibition previews occur on a day-to-day basis. Now there’s time for a breather…

And after that, final removal.

The exhibition is open until 28 July 2013, Mon. – Fri. 11:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. and on Saturday 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

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