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Theatre performances at Province Cultural Centre (WOK)

Theatre performances at Province Cultural Centre (WOK)
Start date 2013-06-08
Start time 19:00
Location Wojewódzki Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Dolna Panny Marii 3

“TUWIM” - monodrama- performance, a show featuring poetry, a tribute to an eminent Polish poet in the year devoted to his memory. The play consists of a variety of poems by Julian Tuwim, from nursery rhymes to love poems. Poems have been selected by Przemysław Gąsiorowicz.

„Ixiński” – performance inspired by a volume of short stories by Arkady Averchenko entitled “Watchdog and Other Sketches”. Unfaithfulness is the main motif of the play. A woman leaves a valuable man for a pompous writer. The cheated man finds out about it and wants to settle a score with the lover. We will discover the consequences of the whole affair during the show. Scripted and performed by Adam Sokolnicki and Karol Grochowski.

“Like Crazy” The OKO Theatre – Let’s assume the show is a play on the subject which has taken over the whole world recently, essentially captivated each of us… possessed children and enthralled adults by feeding them on the jumble of information which is a result of someone’s imagination and has nothing to do with reality. Let us think about how and why was the world created? Is this how it was supposed to be arranged? Could it be that the student wanted to surpass the master at all costs? Or do we, perhaps, actually live in the matrix and all that surrounds us is a big dream from which we might wake up … Only, where will our hand be then?

“Life” – ‘Gravite’ Theatre – this time we find ourselves in the 17th-century Russia, where we follow the life of Avvakum Petrovich Kondratiev, regarded by the Russian Orthodox Church as a martyr. However, it is not the intention of the authors to show spiritual life in Russia.

In the age of debasement of ideals, lack of authorities and aspirations to gain frequently misconceived freedom, modernity and career, we pose a question on the condition of our inner life. To our dismay, we have observed a general tendency to look up to the West and emulate its traditions and culture. Naturally, we take new ‘European’ benefits by the handful; still, we try not to forget where we, as a theatre, came from and what formed us.

“Actors Attack” – a presentation of small theatrical forms prepared by actors of Teatr Pierwszego Kontaktu. I is the first project of this kind for TPK. Actors, assisted by Tomasz Załucki, decided to stand at the other side of the curtain and try their luck as directors. The challenge was taken up by three ladies: Ktarzyna Piekarczyk, Dominika Giełza and Joanna Baran. At the Night of Culture they will present the following performances:

“If You Think” – A Man of ‘our times, alone in the crowd, tries to find security in everyday routines. What are we like? Can we talk, love, dream? What is really important to us? The play shows us people who function day by day as cogs in well-oiled machine. There are times, though, when ideas that come to our minds make us lose the rhythm. Then, we actually start thinking…
Written and performed by Dominika Gielza

“Honey, It’s Lovely…” – in relations between men and women everything should be lovely and uncomplicated. But they often aren’t. People seemingly close to each other are, in fact, frequently distant. Why do we escape? This modest play is an attempt to portray the difficulty in communication with the dearest people in the most important matters. The show with a touch of humour, a bit of poetry and components of difficult questions on values among contemporary men and women is partly inspired by our best source - Polish reality. It is basically indescribable, you must see it. Written and directed by Katarzyna Piekarczyk

“Death in Bed” – one man and two women. He is easily manipulated by his wife, depressed by his meaningless life and desperate for a bit of warm feeling, which makes him incredibly gullible. He is ensnared by a nice, sympathetic fairy but it could turn out to be a classic case of falling out of the frying pan into the fire. One could say that life is no soap opera and a soap opera is no theatre. Nevertheless, if we could combine it all and create something fresh and original from a cliché story, turn a drama into a funny story. This short, sometimes funny tale set in an unknown period tells the story of such an attempt. Facts and fiction, comedy and tragedy, past and future, they all come together it the show. Written and directed by Joanna Baran.

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