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Spectacle "Packing Our Stuff" ("Pakujemy manatki")

Spectacle "Packing Our Stuff" ("Pakujemy manatki")
Start date 2013-06-30
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

director: Artur Tyszkiewicz
stage design and costumes: Justyna Elminowska
music: Jacek Grudzień
choreography: Filip Szatarski
lights: Mateusz Wajda
drama supervision: Agnieszka Olek; Artur Tyszkiewicz


Roman Kruczkowski - Szabtaj Szuster
Grażyna Jakubecka - Bianka, his wife
Halszka Lehman - Nina, their daughter
Marta Sroka - Bella, their daughter
Anna Świetlicka - Henia Gelertner
Przemysław Gąsiorowicz - Elchanan, her son
Daniel Salman - Cwi, her dead husband
Wojciech Dobrowolski - Minia Globczik
Jolanta Rychłowska - Lola, his wife
Daniel Dobosz - Zigi, their son
Nina Skołuba-Uryga - Bobba, Munia's mother
Jerzy Kurczuk - Bruno Hofsztater
Teresa Filarska - Cila, his wife
Paweł Kos - Amacja, their son
Wojciech Rusin - Motke Cchori
Marta Ledwoń - Cypora, his wife
Tomasz Bielawiec - Awner Cchori, his hunchback brother
Lidia Olszak - Angela Hopkins, young American tourist
Piotr Bąk - Alberto Pinkus /guest appearance/
Krzysztof Olchawa - Elisza Huker
Artur Kocięcki - Alfons Chuzli
Magdalena Sztejman-Lipowska - prostitute
Krzysztof Korżyński - musician

Tickets from 17 zł (educational) do 37 zł (regular).
Ticket reservation: tel. 81 532 44 36, fax 81 463 86 50; email:
Ticket office: tel. 81 532 42 46

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