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Lublin Dance Theatre - hello kitty

Lublin Dance Theatre - hello kitty
Start date 2013-06-28
Start time 19:00

idea/directed by Wojtek Kaproń; performed by Beata Mysiak, Wojtek Kaproń from the Lublin Dance Theatre, Paweł Grala, Wojciech Łaba from the Physical Studio; dramaturgy:: Grzegorz Kondrasiuk, text: Mateusz Nowak, sound director: Maciej Połynko, costumes: Jola Szala; visuals: Piotr Lu Lużyński/Jolanta Gmur; lighting: Grzegorz Polak

“Dear Kitty! I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in to anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support to me.” An adaptation of motifs from Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl by means of dance, theatre and visuals. An attempt to answer the question: how to remain truly humane at heart?
During the two years of hiding in the Secret Annex, Anne Frank lost her childhood innocence and matured quickly, which led her to acute understanding of her loneliness.

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