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Miasto movie in the summertime - Before Sunrise

Miasto movie in the summertime - Before Sunrise
Start date 2013-08-07
Start time 21:00
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1
Kategoria Film

„Before Sunrise”, dir. Richard Linklater 1995 r.

Currently, "Before Midnight", the third and the as-yet-final installment in Richard Linklater's saga of love and romantic entanglements of Celine and Jesse, is being screened in cinemas worldwide. As part of our "Miasto Movie in the Summertime" series of film screenings we have decided to return to the couple's origins, to their first meeting and to the very beginning to their moving story that the entire cinema-going community fell in love with. She is French, he is American - they both meet on a train to Vienna. Young, intelligent, and world-curious, they start talking ...

This is the point of departure of one of the most engrossing and captivating melodramas of the twentieth-century. A seemingly banal story soon picks up speed and gathers complexity becoming a universal tale, with twists and tropes close, common, and dear to all of us.

Laidback tempo and visually stunning camerawork by Lee Daniel amplify the film's allure. However, it is because of masterfully crafted dialogues and script that "Before Sunrise" truly shines. The performances of Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke, who on the set of "Before Sunrise" both outshone everything they did before, propel the film and legitimate it artistically. One shouldn't of course forget about the film's moving soundtrack composed by Fred Frith, one of the leading composers of jazz and improvised music. All the above make "Before Sunrise" mandatory summertime viewing.

Free admission

Organiser: Workshops of Culture
Partner: Dominican Monastery in Lublin

"Miasto movie in the summertime" („Miasto movie latem w plenerze”) is part of the „Dzielnice Kultury – Program Rozwoju Kultury w Dzielnicach Lublina” programme.

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