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Miasto Movie in the Summertime - "The Tailor of Panama" (John Boorman)

Miasto Movie in the Summertime - "The Tailor of Panama" (John Boorman)
Start date 2013-08-28
Start time 21:00
Location Teatr im. Hansa Christiana Andersena, ul. Dominikańska 1
Kategoria Film

„The Tailor of Panama”, dir. John Boorman, running time 109’, 2001.

Crime novels and thrillers have been popular with script- and screenwriters since time immemorial, time and time again providing vital and much needed inspiration or even fully-fledged ideas to be moulded into films. British novelist John Le Carre is an absolute powerhouse of crime and spy fiction, a critically acclaimed author of internationally bestselling book. Such novels as "The Russia House", "Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy" or "The Tailor of Panama" have been translated into numerous languages and have been adapted into films.

"The Tailor of Panama" is John Boorman's version of Le Carre's spy masterpiece. The British director, renowned for "Excalibur" and "Deliverance", expertly transposed the literary original onto the cinematic medium.

The success of the adaptation is partly to do with Le Carre's involvement who aided the filmmakers during script-writing. All the parties involved succeeded in both paying homage to the literary text and creating a new type of a spy movie. "The Tailor of Panama" is brimming with unexpected narrative twists, nuanced layers of plot and a cleverly constructed espionage endgame.

Because of its structural density peppered with a healthy dose of humour, "The Tailor of Panama" convincingly evokes the atmosphere of competition between inimical countries and rivalry between particular spies. Typical of Boorman's productions, the film features unforgettable performances by among others Geoffrey Rush, Pierce Brosnan and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Free admission

Organiser: Workshops of Culture
Partner: Dominican Monastery in Lublin

"Miasto movie in the summertime" („Miasto movie latem w plenerze”) is part of the „Dzielnice Kultury – Program Rozwoju Kultury w Dzielnicach Lublina” programme.

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