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Solo of a Lifetime 2013 - Day Two

Solo of a Lifetime 2013 - Day Two
Start date 2013-08-31
Start time 16:00
Location Plac po Farze
Kategoria Festival

Grand Finale of the Solo of a Lifetime 2013 Contest during which the audience will witness the performances of:

Bartosz Biekisz - electric guitar (Leśna Podlaska)
Zbigniew Chojnacki - accordion (Gostynin)
Kamil Kielar - electric guitar (Trześniów)
Marcin Nowobilski - electric guitar (Białka Tatrzańska)
Michał Trzpioła - electric guitar (Radom)

as well as the performances of the laureates of previous editions of the Contest:Also, the following artists will perform on stage:

PANda Music - Lublin - laureate of the Marantha Music Contest
Łukasz Kurpiewski - laureate of the Solo of a Lifetime 2012 Contest - and the Indie band

4 Szmery - a rock band noted for their brilliant renditions of songs by AC/DC

Stanisław Soyka - the artist will be accompanied by an all-star ensemble

Piotr Makak Szarłacki (a music journalist at Antyradio) and Grzegorz Chyliński (a DJ at Akademickie Radio Centrum) will act as MCs during the concerts.

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