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Small Narration

Small Narration
Start date 2013-10-12
Start time 18:00

What shall we do with memory? With history about which we don’t even know to what extent it is true? What about the myth you have in your head about it? How do we talk about it?
Wojtek Zimilski’s grandfather, count Wojciech Dzieduszycki, was one of the most recognised and respected figures in Wroclaw. In 2006, in the times of numerous “lustration clarifications” two journalists accused him of collaborating with the communist Security Service in a national newspaper. The information presented in the article appeared to be unverifiable, the Institute of National Remembrance blocked access to documents and the accused together with his family were given no assistance or support while dealing with the revelations in the press.

However, the performance by Wojtek Ziemilski is not only about his grandfather’s story; it is first and foremost a story about confronting private and public history and how we experience it. It is also at the same time a great record of the inspirations that helped Ziemilski develop his artistic activity.

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