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Classical Concert: "Viva Verdi!"

Classical Concert: "Viva Verdi!"
Start date 2013-11-16
Start time 18:00

The two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi and the resultant official establishment of the year 2013 as the Verdi Year is a not-to-be-missed opportunity and a duty to appropriately honour and cultivate the memory of one of the most gifted and brilliant composers in the history of music, and classical music and opera in particular.

It is hard to find more relevant or concise words which embody the praise and recognition for the genius composer than the title exclamation: "Viva Verdi!" This anthemic call was heard not only during uproarious standing ovation reverberating after the composer's stage performances were finished but it was present in Victor Emanuel II's then everyday struggle to unite Italy in the nineteenth century.

"Viva Verdi!" is also the title of the grand concert co-organised by the Music Theatre in Lublin and the Cultural Centre in Przemyśl to be premiered in the autumn of 2013. Verdi's extensive creative output will be showcased through a selection of the fragments of the composer's most popular and simultaneously most beautiful operas. We will hear snippets taken from the Music Theatre in Lublin's acclaimed stage productions of "La Traviata", "Nabucco", "Aida", "Don Carlos", "Rigoletto", and others.

The sheer power of the operatic voices of the ensemble cast comprised of the singers from the Music Theatre in Lublin (among others Elżbieta Kaczmarzyk-Janczak, Tomasz Janczak, Dorota Dominiczak-Laskowiecka), esteemed guest performers (Barbara Kubiak), and the joined choirs - "Magnificat” Choir from Przemyśl and Lublin's Music Theatre Choir - conducted by Andrzej Knap will sound grand and impressive in the concert halls of many cities, including Lublin, Lviv, Przemyśl, Rzeszów, and Kielce.

"Viva Verdi!" is a tribute to a composer and the whole opera genre as well as an invitation handed out to classical music enthusiasts and aficionados of premium quality music. This is an opportunity to celebrate the birthday of the artist who already in his lifetime belonged to the pantheon of the geniuses of world culture.

Barbara Kubiak, Dorota Dominiczak - Laskowiecka, Elżbieta Kaczmarzyk- Janczak, Andrzej Wiśniewski, Tomasz Janczak, Kamil Pękala, Patrycjusz Sokołowski

Choir and Orchestra of the Music Theatre in Lublin
"Magnificat” Choir from Przemyśl.

Conductor: Andrzej Knap

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