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Performance: “Macbeth”

Performance: “Macbeth”
Start date 2013-10-16
Start time 13:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

Director and Stage design: Leszek Mądzik
Costumes: Zofia De Ines
Music: Andrzej Zarycki
Vocal training: Urszula Plis

[iMacbeth carries inside the emotions which, in consequence, lead to his destruction. The path he follows transforms not only his mentality but also the space he so narcotically feeds on. It is tempting, dangerous and irreversible. The snare in which he falls by receiving the first message from an oracle, which the witches in fact are, is irreversible. It was they who sowed the seeds of both, anxiety and fascination with Macbeth’s fate. One event begets another. It’s a web of seemingly fortunate events and authentic tragedies in which a power- and success-hungry man becomes entangled.
The helping hand in this quest is that of Lady Macbeth, a person closest to him. It is more than giving a hand, it is rather a pressure exerted consequently by a ruthless woman who, conscious of the advantage which is in her by nature, motivates the person close to her to further insane decisions.
They both head to the brink of an abyss at the bottom of which death looks at himself in the mirror. Het reaps in that gloomy chamber where the only light is a reflected drop of blood. Black and red are symbols, through which Shakespearian protagonists travel, unaware that the abyss filled with carmine hue drowns them in its depth. The fate so innocently revealed at the beginning of events is crowned but one wishes it was only a dream.

Leszek Mądzik

Leszek Mądzik

Run Time: 70 minutes (no intervals)
Tickets: students 27 zł; reduced 37 zł; regular 42 zł
Ticket bookings : tel. 81 532 44 36, fax 81 463 86 50; email:
Ticket office: tel. 81 532 42 46

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