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Meeting with prof. Krystyna Duniec: Ciało w teatrze (The Body in Theatre)

Meeting with prof. Krystyna Duniec: Ciało w teatrze (The Body in Theatre)
Start date 2013-10-18
Start time 16:00

A meeting with prof. Krystyna Duniec about her new book “Ciało w teatrze” (“The Body in Theatre”). Moderator: Maciej Nowak, director of the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw.

Essays collected in the book “Ciało w teatrze” are an attempt to reflect upon the condition of a contemporary actor and the aesthetics of theatre, in which they perform. They define types of theatre protagonists and deliberate on identity issues revealing the way artists construct their own public images and the way they deconstruct them onstage in intimate autobiographical narrations. The observation that contemporary theatre uses the experience of the body, contextualising it as a tool to deliver aesthetic pleasure or ironic deconstruction, has led to a thesis that even though theatre opens the space for various references, it often remains only, or as much as, a collection of ready-mades. The purpose of the book about body is to analyse the way theatre dismantles the aesthetic and cultural stereotypes, reflect upon the colonising strategies and the narcissistic practices of theatre creators. But, first and foremost, it is an affirmation of theatre, where the non-normative body, the silenced, persecuted, week, mistreated and colonised body finds its place.

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