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"Smyki" Concert

"Smyki" Concert
Start date 2013-11-24
Start time 11:15
Location Wojewódzki Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Dolna Panny Marii 3
Kategoria Koncert

The series of the concerts "Smyki" (The Kids) is a joint project of the Academy for Child Development "Good Start", Lublin Philharmonic and the Provincial Cultural Centre. The project is aimed at younger children, from the unborn to 5 years old and their parents.

During the concerts, the youngest music lovers will be able to listen to the vocal and instrumental music, as well as active participate in the performance of the music by playing the instruments and singing. The idea of the concerts for children stems from psychological studies on the musical development of human and its influence in the earliest periods of life. The organizers promote the idea that contact with a valuable artistic music is never too early.

There were conducted a great number of studies which show that every person is inherently musical, and at the time of birth have the highest level of musical ability. That what we call a lack of musical ability, it is rather the result of a lack of the appropriate experience in the early childhood and the educational neglect.

Notice! Due to the renovation of the Lublin Philharmonic the second edition of "Smyki" concerts will be held in the Chamber Hall of the Provincial Cultural Centre, which at this time is specifically adapted for the youngest audience.

Notice! Booking required!
Information: Mon-Fri, 12:00-14:30, Phone: (+48) 796 14 13 57
Price: 20 PLN per adult - free entry for children
Purchase tickets: Information of the purchase and receive tickets to receive in a confirmation message after reservation.
Parent / guardian takes responsibility for the child's safety during concerts and provides the care.

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