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Performance: "The Inscription"

Performance: "The Inscription"
Start date 2013-11-23
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

The Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin would like to invite the audience for the play entitled „The Inscription”

The Inscription tells the story of the Lebruns, a young married couple who move in to an attractive residential block in a wealthy neighbourhood. After only two weeks a rude inscription about Mr Lebrun appears in the lift. Insulted and hurt by the unjust judgement, the new resident begins ‘an investigation’ which gives him an opportunity to get to know his neighbours better and to confront his straightforwardness and independence with their ‘modern’ and ‘original’ outlook on life. This small but humorous play that accurately reveals many of the modern life’s clichés is directed by Artur Tyszkiewicz, the artistic director of the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre in Lublin.
Gérald Sibleyras – a contemporary French dramatist– in his witty comedy ‘The Inscription’ observes how it is possible that public discourse is so easily dominated by clichés and platitudes repeated with reverence by the media. After all, it is universally known that our views are original, it is difficult to impose anything upon us, and we always say what we mean, we bravely break stereotypes and say ‘no’ to all simplifications. So, where do so many clichés repeated thoughtlessly around us come from? Why are ‘new traditions’ so successful? And why do we so readily accept changes in our language that make, for example, a harmless children’s book The Story of Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman become something suspicious. What is worse, as people free form all prejudices, we are inclined to utter uncivil words towards someone of different opinion.

Cholley- Tomasz Bielawiec
Mrs Cholley- Jolanta Rychłowska
Lebrun-Daniel Salman
Mrs Lebrun- Lidia Olszak
Mr Bouvier- Artur Kocięcki
Mrs Bouvier- Anna Torończyk

Artur Tyszkiewicz- director
Justyna Elminowska- stage and costume designer
Mateusz Wajda- light director, video projections

Ticket booking:
81 532 44 36
81 532 42 46

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