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Performance: “There Was a Pole, a Pole and a Devil”

Performance: “There Was a Pole, a Pole and a Devil”
Start date 2013-11-16
Start time 19:00
Location Teatr im. Juliusza Osterwy, ul. Gabriela Narutowicza 17

"There Was a Pole, a Pole and a Devil” (Był sobie Polak, Polak, Polak i diabeł) by Paweł Demirski is a story of Polish purgatory which rather feels like hell than the vestibule of paradise. There, in suspension between life and death, we see protagonists struggling with Polish inhibitions and traumatic experiences; everyday humdrum mixes with the most significant events in Polish history of the 20th century and colloquial language blends with piece s of unobvious poetry. This extremely funny play raises genuinely serious questions: what happened to us as a community, what describes contemporary Poland and Poles best, where did the paralyzing conviction that we are the backwater of Europe come from and finally – as the subtitle of the play claims – why “in all heroic battles fought by the Polish nation all boards from the fence have been used”

Paweł Demirski, one of the most important Polish contemporary dramatists, is mainly recognized for the plays directed by Monika Strzępka; this co-operation brought the duo renown and numerous awards. Here, in Lublin, for the first time in years, his play will be staged by someone else than Strzępka.
The play, which the author himself describes as a ‘political boulevard drama’, is directed by Remigiusz Brzyk, a recently nominated for Gwarancje Kultury - the Polish Television TVPKultura Awards director of the renowned costume drama Korzeniec, which the critics applauded for a skillful discourse about contemporary Poland without resorting to punditry. The performance at the Juliusz Osterwa Theatre may be an opportunity to discover different, less-known side to Demirski’s writing.

Star- Marta Ledwoń
Wanda- Marta Sroka
Old Lady- Halszka Lehman
Boy- Daniel Dobosz
Thug- Wojciech Rusin
Tourist- Przemysław Gąsiorowicz
General- Krzysztof Olchawa
Bishop- Paweł Kos
Remigiusz Brzyk- directon and stage design
Iga Słupska- costume design and set design assistance
Szymon Szewczyk- costume design and set design assistance
Jacek Grudzień- music
Paweł Demirski- literary supervision

Ticket Booking:
81 532 44 36
81 532 42 46

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