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Exhibition: "Autumn 2013"

Exhibition: "Autumn 2013"
Start date 2013-12-13
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2014-01-01
Location Galeria "Przy Bramie" TPSP, ul. Grodzka 34/36

"Autumn 2013" – collective exhibition of works by members of the Friends of Fine Arts Society in Lublin.

The exhibition is a presentation of artistic achievements of the members of the Friends of Fine Arts Society in Lublin who share the passion for painting. The works have been produced with the use of various painting techniques ranging from oil painting to computer graphics.
As usual, the subjects of the artwork presented will be diverse, from landscapes and still-lifes to genre scenes which provide commentary to our everyday life.

The pieces for the exhibition are chosen by art jury represent substantial artictic skills gained from years of practice in in the field. Undoubtedly, there is something everyone in this assorted array of artwork, an exhibit that will engage us in an intimate conversation.

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