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Grand Finale of the 2013-2014 Concert Season

Grand Finale of the 2013-2014 Concert Season
Start date 2014-05-23
Start time 19:00
Kategoria Koncert

10th subscription concert

Lublin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Wojciech Rodek

G. Mahler – Symphony No. 9 in D-major

Tickets: PLN 30, 25, 15

The Grand Finale of the 2013-2014 Concert Season is quite exceptional – the performance of Gustav Mahler’s last symphony, namely, Symphony No. 9 in D-major. When Mahler was working on it in 1909, he was incurably ill – because of his heart disease he did not live long enough to witness the premiere of his last work in Vienna in 1912, which was conducted by Bruno Walter. Mahler’s Ninth is the composer’s farewell to life and his act of taking stock of the symphonic tradition. Universally acknowledged to be Mahler’s finest, most poignant and most beautiful composition, Symphony No. 9 expresses the artist’s love for the land, his longing for peace on earth before death inevitably, as interpreted by Alan Berg, comes to take him away. A four-part monumental work that, depending on the conductor’s reading, may last up to 85 minutes. Is almost an hour and a half enough to part ways with the world forever?

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