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Film screening: Letters from a park (Cartas del parque)

Film screening: Letters from a park (Cartas del parque)
Start date 2014-02-18
Start time 19:30
Location ACK "Chatka Żaka", ul. Radziszewskiego 16
Kategoria Film

Letters from a park (Cartas del parque)
directed by: Tomás Gutierrez Alea
screenplay (based on a novel by Gabriel García Márquez): Tomás Gutierrez Alea
cinematography: Mario Garcia Joya
music.: Gonzalito Rubalcaba
starring: Víctor Laplace (Pedro), Ivonne López Arenal (Maria), Miguel Paneke (Juan), Mirtha Ibarra (Milagros), Adolfo Llauradó, Elio Mesa
production: Cuba 1989 (87 min)

Early 19th century. Juan is in love with Maria, who is not immune to his advances. However, there is a catch here: their romantic confessions are exchanged by means of a middleman, a scribe versed in the art of love letter writing. Soon, the scribe becomes the third element of this burgeoning love triangle…

Gabriel Garcia Márquez’s masterful prose was adapted very skillfully by a crew of Cuban filmmakers.

Spanish audio with Polish subtitles.

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