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Film screening: "Oh Boy"

Film screening: "Oh Boy"
Start date 2014-03-23
Start time 20:00
Location ACK "Chatka Żaka", ul. Radziszewskiego 16
Kategoria Film

"Oh Boy"
directed by: Jan Ole Gerster
Germany 2012 (running time: 83 min)

Having been expelled from university, Niko does not know what to do or where to go. As a dropout, he starts his seemingly aimless, long and lonesome walk across the streets of Berlin. Walking, he becomes not a distant and reserved flaneur but an appreciative and engaged observer of people who passes by and of their simple everyday activities. It all changes when the man is forced to face the music and confront the repercussions of his passivity – or as his doctor puts it – his emotional instability. His father disowns him, cutting off the umbilical cord and no longer supporting him financially. His beloved one comes to the conclusion that Niko is not, after all, a suitable life partner. The people whom he has been observing give him no sustainable solace in the end.

Black-and-white frames purposefully chosen by the filmmaker emphasise the indifference Niko falls victim to; he is a modern man searching for anything that could trigger in him some kind of emotional response.

German audio with Polish subtitles.

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