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Miasto Movie for Kids: "How to tame your dragon" ("Jak wytresować smoka")

Miasto Movie for Kids: "How to tame your dragon" ("Jak wytresować smoka")
Start date 2014-03-16
Start time 11:00
Location Warsztaty Kultury, ul. Grodzka 5A
Kategoria Cycle

„Jak wytresować smoka” (“How to Tame Your Dragon”), directed by Dean DeBlois and Chris Sanders, running time: 96’, 2010.

Screening of "How to Tame Your Dragon" („Jak wytresować smoka”) followed by a children’s creativity workshop.

The film is a tour de force adaptation of Cressida Cowell’s book and one of the biggest box office hits of the children’s animation genre in recent years. Right now, the film’s sequel is screened in cinemas all over the world while the third installment is currently in production. In our “Miasto Movie” film series we will show the first part of what is to become a trilogy – a story about how the whole adventure came into being.

The film is provided with Polish dubbing.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge. Due to a limited amount of seating available, early booking is advised. To book a place, call us direct at 81 533 08 18, Monday to Friday, 10 am - 4 pm.

All materials are provided free of charge. The workshop is conducted in Polish.

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