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BENSHI - Twilight part1

BENSHI - Twilight part1
Start date 2014-04-04
Start time 18:00
Kategoria Film

Kinoteatr Projekt invites all to participate in the February edition of BENSHI. This months all films centre round the theme of “twilight”, which is a metaphor signifying the end of one’s life, the dusk of activity, the final stage in one’s existence.

FILM SCREENING: “The Bucket List”
A story of two men who couldn’t be more worlds apart. Carter (Morgan Freeman), a car mechanic, leads a happy and content if economically modest life. As a result of being diagnosed with a serious disease he ends up in a hospital, the owner of which happens to be a fellow patient Edward (Jack Nicholson). Their chance meeting starts to resonate with meaning as it transpires that despite their obvious differences the men have a lot in common. The film is a subtly told and slightly optimistic tale of overcoming one’s fear of death and an example of affirmation of one’s even most hidden dreams and desires.
Free admission.

Free admission.

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