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Concert: Poetry and Music

Concert: Poetry and Music
Start date 2014-05-23
Start time 18:30
Kategoria Event

Żandar Zakajew and a children's band - Chechen culture

Childen's vocal group and soloist Zandar Zakayev will perform traditional Chechen songs and chants. Zakayev is an established and renowned Chechen artist who came to Poland, together with his family, in 2012. Here, he decided to found an arts group that aims to cultivate Chechen folk traditions by educating the youth so that they don't forget their own roots.

ILLUSIONS - Ukrainian culture

The band was established in 2011 in Lviv. It was created out of shared passion and a common desire to play music collectively and express emotions through sounds. As a rule, the band aims to fuse old-time rural aesthetics with modern sounds. The band consists of:

- Roxolana Paholkiv – cello
- Andrij Bochko – vocals, guitar
- Igor Grushin - piano

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