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Exhibition: Kuba Żeligowski’s Paintings

Exhibition: Kuba Żeligowski’s Paintings
Start date 2014-05-23
Start time 00:00
Ending date 2014-06-04
Location Galeria "Przy Bramie" TPSP, ul. Grodzka 34/36

The majority of Jakub Żeligowski’s oeuvre could be labelled as ”inner landscapes,” as these paintings can be regarded to be pictorial representations of the artist's emotions and states of mind. Żeligowski’s art is to a certain extent an intimate record of his life in recent years; this record, however, can be partly deciphered by a sensitive observer.

What is more, these microcosmic landscapes, both miniatures and large-scale free forms, are characterized by intriguing luminism, sensualism as expressed in the approach to texture and, finally, by a certain radicalism of colours that reminds of the tradition of neo-fauvism or field painting.

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